Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New post.....update on the past month.

It's been a while since I posted anything here. Going to try to more often so I can let my rage out more here!! LOL 

Last post I had a sketch for a idea from someone concerning my screenplay WITH CHILD.....here is the completed project. It went on to be on my business card for Shriekfest 2012.

As for the festival it's self. I went. Had a good time. Met some cool people. Saw some really good indie horror movies. In the long run, my screenplay ended up winning an award...not a big one, but the BITCH PACK AWARD....in other words it passed the Bechdel Test. What's that?

1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man
So apparently it met that standard. Hmm. Is this an award...not sure. I think it is. LOL.  Here's some pics of me with the festival director, getting my award, and the after award show pics.....

So that's about it. The trip was not a total waste. Still have not been able to sell anything, much less generate ANY interest in the screenplay......frustrating.

New screenplay is a re-working of an older one. Almost done with a first draft. Stuck with coming up for an ending..again. It's like a bastard child of RINGU, NAKED LUNCH, GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, EVIL DEAD (the original), THE PLAYER, POLTERGEIST, and of course some tentacles for a dash of HPL......some inspiration, huh?

OK...done talking to myself....bye. 