It's been a long time since I've updated this.
Not too much going on.
So I'm going to point some hi-lights of the past few months.
1. My script 'Development Hell' failed to make the finals in any competitions. It got as far as quarter-finals in one L.A. area festival, but fell flat on it's face a few days later. I've been told it was too nihilistic, and the fact that a lesbian couple was front in center, didn't help. Ah well. So be it. Everyone can have their happy fake blockbuster scripts...not for me. I've moved on over's not the best thing I've ever written but I'm glad I took the chance with something so moody.
2. I have two screenplays in finals at the RIP Horror Film Festival. My award winning (I use the term lightly) script 'With Child' is in the running for best feature script. My short 'Dead Therapy' is in the short list for Best Short Screenplay. Winners were supposed to be announced a few weeks ago, but the festival has been delayed until January 2014. Fingers still crossed...expectations low as always though.
3. Which brings me to 'With Child'. A few weeks ago, I got the golden opportunity to pitch the script to a studio in Canada. It went well, was a good experience and I'm thrilled that it happened. Sadly, as the game goes, I got a rejection letter a few days later. But again, it was a great experience, and I would not have traded it for anything. Remember the silly artwork that was done for Shriekfest last year...well...some may remember...I've added some of the new laurels it's gotten to it.
4. Work is progressing on my short film based on my script 'Dead Therapy'. Auditions were held a few weeks ago, and had a good turn out, Sadly, I had only a small number of roles to cast. So many good actors showed up. Anyway....scheduled to start production on January 11. Here's a teaser ad for it. I know it's not much.
I'm not sure how this will turn out. I hope people are excited about it, but starting a production in the middle of the Holiday's is probably not the best idea, and there a several other productions going on at the same time. This is just a really short small film, so my hope is that people are excited about it. Not sure what I'll do with it when it's done....
It's had some interest and offers from other people, but for some reason I'm crazy in thinking I can pull this off.... lol.
5. Looking forward to 2014....sending off 'With Child' to several more competitions this year. Seems like that one is getting the most attention. Also going to be sending off my new script "Reflecting the Void' to several competitions as well. Already did the HPL Festival.
Speaking of 'Reflecting the Void'...I'm happy with it. I've only had two people read it, one was a mixed review, the other slightly more positive. It's my long in development idea of an HPL story on a R/V....notice the first the word RV is actually in the tittle....'R(flecting) the V(oid)" was planned that way. Both reviews said it was my easiest read though...that could be in my favor as it is more commercial and starght forward....until the end that is....
OK..that's it for now, IF anyone is reading....doubtful. This is my place to brag...Facebook slams you for doing so, so I figure this way if people are reading, they must be interested 'cause they clicked to get here!