I went with a look that really does not define one time period. There are clothes that are out of the 60's. Cars that are modern and from the 70's. Gothic looking paintings from when I don't know. Flip cell phones. Once the edit is done, I hope the music will convey this feeling as well. There will be a lot of theremin featured.
Here are some behind the scenes pics from the two day shoot.
Here's some of the cast and crew sitting inside of *Rex*, the vehicle that we were so kindly allowed to use for the shoot. It was incredible to have him on set. Oh by the way, I'm in the passenger seat...not too many pictures of myself make their way in the web.
Here is a grab from the actual footage. It's a raw shot, but it's a nice start. Notice the blood. Yes, this gets a little bloody towards the end.
There's a lot of other cool pics I'd like to post, but that would give away too much of the plot, so they will have to wait until the completed short.
I'm not doing much *promotion* or *talk* about this one. I did too much of that with my last short. I was under ...or I put myself under perhaps....a lot of stress to try to impress because the script won an award for short screenplay. Awards are nice, but they don't get you jobs. Maybe I put the stress on myself, or maybe there were people who were expecting a better product. Anyway, I dropped the ball, spent too much time trying to get attention for the short, too much promotion on Facebook and the like. Bottom line is...no one cares about a short film until it's done....other than the people who worked on it.
Less promotion and more focusing on a better product. That's the lesson I learned. So these pics will most likely be it. I'll post more when I get a great final edit locked.
On the writing side of things, I'm looking at some options for a new feature script for next year's round of festivals. I may return to a script that was even too dark for me, and left it about five years ago. Or I could start a new dark script. Or I could complete my grindhouse steampunk fairy tale script. Or do what I call a Lovecraftian Super Hero script. Yup. I just typed that.
There. I'm done. As I always say, I'm most likely talking to myself. But that's OK. It keeps the demons in my mind and not out in the world.